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(UNG) Study Away: Spanish in Puerto Rico

  • This program is not currently accepting applications.

Spanish in Puerto Rico

The program offers students the unique opportunity to study the impact and legacy of the Spanish presence within the United States. This will take place through personal narratives derived from reflective journaling based on their daily experiences that will allow them to produce a videoblog in which they will tell the story based on their own findings. The students will spend time visiting historic, cultural, and natural sites like el Morro Fort and Castle of St. Cristobal, Old San Juan streets, museums, and cultural centers, el Yunque rain forest, Vieques Island and the city of Ponce.

This course will trace the development of Puerto Rico,  and the oldest city in U.S. territory, San Juan. Founded in 1519, it is also one of the oldest European-established cities in the Americas. It has a strong Spanish presence in social, cultural and political aspects. The course will begin with an examination of early Spanish exploration and the foundation of San Juan, the development of the island and influence in the area during Spanish ruling in the Americas, as well as its current importance and contributions to United States by its vibrant people. Class is delivered in Spanish. ​​​​​​


Information Sheet
Class Eligibility02 - Sophomore, 03 - Junior, 04 - Senior
Minimum GPA Requirement2.5
Program AdvisorCenter for Global Engagement
Housing OptionsHostel/Hotel
Area of StudySpanish
Language of InstructionSpanish
Max Number of Credits Offered03