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(UNG) Spring Break: The Panama Business Experience

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The Panama Business Experience

Embark on a transformative Spring Break study abroad program to Panama City, Panama. Explore the engineering marvel of the Panama Canal, delve into the colonial architecture of Casco Viejo, visit the indigenous people of the San Blas Islands, and engage with international corporations, gaining firsthand insights into global operations and strategic logistics management.

Panama City, Panama, is an ideal destination for studying international business for several reasons. Firstly, it is home to the renowned Panama Canal, a critical artery of global trade, offering unparalleled insights into logistics operations. Secondly, its strategic location fosters a hub for international corporations, providing direct exposure to diverse logistical strategies and international business. Lastly, Panama's rich cultural and historical tapestry, including indigenous communities like those in the San Blas Islands, enriches understanding of global supply chain dynamics within a vibrant cultural context.

Students will be accompanied by a UNG Professor with a group of UNG students. Airfare, hotel, and excursion costs are included.

This program has several options for earning course credit. It offers 1 - 3 credit hours in BUSA 4528, BUSA 2528, OR MGMT 6528.  All options include the full travel experience. Some options include additional course work to be completed during the spring semester.


For more information, please make an appointment with an Education Abroad Advisor!


Panama 2
Information sheet
Class Eligibility02 - Sophomore, 03 - Junior, 04 - Senior, 05 - Graduate
Minimum GPA Requirement2.5
Program DurationShort-Term: less than 2 weeks
Area of StudyAccounting, Business, Business Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Business, International Law, Management, Marketing
Max Number of Credits Offered03
Min Number of Credits Offered01
CollegeMike Cottrell College of Business
Panama 3