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Cadet Exchange: General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces (MULF)

Dates / Deadlines:
TermYearApp DeadlineDecision DateStart DateEnd Date
Spring202609/12/2025Rolling admissionTBATBA
This program is not currently accepting applications.

UNG Military Exchange

International Military Exchange Program opportunities are only available to cadets in the UNG Corps of Cadets. An International Military Exchange is a program abroad where cadets earn academic credit while participating in a foreign university’s cadet program. 

Military University of Land Forces

Cadet Exchange, Military Univeristy of Land Forces (MULF) Poland. Spring semester exchange located in the city of Wroclaw. Two Cadets will be selected to attend MULF and experience a semster full of excitement, physical and academic challenges. 

The University of North Georgia and the Tadeusz Kosciuszko Land Forces Military Academy of Poland (MALF) share a common mission to provide the highest quality education at the undergraduate level. This military exchange program is designed specifically for UNG cadets studying leadership, strategic studies, and the profession of arms and reinforces Cadet development in their academic fields of study. Cadets will spend one semester at MALF studying Polish Professional Military Education, ERASMUS module courses, and experience training and cultural experience of the Polish Army. Subjects are taught in English

*Not accompanied by UNG faculty or staff

*All cadets should speak with their MSL Cadre prior to participation in any education abroad program. MS III contracted cadets are not approved to study abroad for the academic year during their MS III year due to Leadership Development Training and Pre-Camp requirements. 

MALF Cadets
Information sheet
Class Eligibility02 - Sophomore, 03 - Junior, 04 - Senior
Minimum GPA Requirement2.75
Non-UNG Students AllowedNo
Cadets OnlyYes
Program AdvisorTerry Baumann, Tony Fritchle
Housing OptionsDormitory
Program DurationSemester (9 to 16 weeks)
Program TypeStudy Abroad
Area of Study0 - Multiple Areas, Host Culture/History, International Relations, Political Science, Security Studies
Language of InstructionEnglish
Max Number of Credits Offered18
Min Number of Credits Offered12
CollegeCollege of Arts & Letters, College of Education, College of Health Sciences & Professions, College of Science & Mathematics, Lewis F. Rogers Institute for Environmental & Spatial Analysis, Mike Cottrell College of Business