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(UNG) Summer: UNG in Spain

Dates / Deadlines:
TermYearApp DeadlineDecision DateStart DateEnd Date
Summer202502/07/2025Rolling admission05/11/202506/16/2025
  • This program is not currently accepting applications.

UNG in Spain 

This 5-week program is designed to provide students with intensive language learning & demonstration of proficiency, as well as insight into global issues through history, literature, and a variety of cultural experiences. The historical and ongoing linguistic importance of Spain in the Spanish-speaking world is reinforced through this on-site study abroad program. It is a multi-location program in which students will spend 3 weeks in the medieval city of Cuenca, 4 days in the capital city, Madrid, then the remaining week and a half in the northwest coastal region of Galicia.

Spanish immersion will be facilitated through home-stays in Cuenca. While in Galicia, students will embark on a week-long adventure walking the Camino Inglés, which is part of the greater Camino de Santiago. The time in Madrid will be spent visiting historical and cultural sites around the capital city as well as excursions to Toledo and El Escorial. All the courses associated with the program are taught in Spanish and will be a creative combination of class time and hands-on experiences that foster relevant cultural and linguistic connections.

Program is accompanied by a UNG Professor with a group of UNG students.



Information sheet
Class Eligibility02 - Sophomore, 03 - Junior, 04 - Senior
Minimum GPA Requirement2.75
Housing OptionsHomestay
Program DurationSummer: 2 to 8 weeks
Area of StudyHost Culture/History, Host Language Courses, Spanish
Language of InstructionSpanish
Modern Language Courses OfferedSpanish
Max Number of Credits Offered09
Group Pic