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(UNG) Spring Break: The London Business Experience

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There are currently no active application cycles for this program.
  • This program is not currently accepting applications.

The London Experience

The London Experience program takes place over spring break. Students will travel to London, England, for one week to immerse in business and cultural visits while learning about London's historic role in international commerce and the global financial services industry. Students will be accompanied by a UNG Professor with a group of UNG students. Airfare, hotel, and excursion costs are included.

This program has several options for earning course credit. It offers 1 - 3 credit hours in BUSA 4528, BUSA 2528, MGMT 6528, OR ACCT 7528.  All options include the full travel experience. Some options include additional course work to be completed during the spring semester.



For more information, please make an appointment with an Education Abroad Advisor!

MCCB London 2024 4
Information sheet
Class Eligibility02 - Sophomore, 03 - Junior, 04 - Senior, 05 - Graduate
Minimum GPA Requirement2.5
Program DurationShort-Term: less than 2 weeks
Area of StudyAccounting, Business, Business Information Systems, Finance, International Business, International Law, Management, Marketing
Max Number of Credits Offered03
Min Number of Credits Offered01
CollegeMike Cottrell College of Business
London Experience - Bus